Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Best laid plans

Well, so much for cramming as much as possible into those last "2" months! Baby K decided to come 4 weeks early while mommy was out black Friday shopping. This led to a 15 day NICU stay and a lot of craziness around here.  Back in Oct. I posted before my scrapbook retreat and while I was gone, my sweet hubby and boys finished the baby room for me! They laid new flooring, painted and put up wainscoting. It looks great!! I love that they all worked on it together!

As it turns out, it was a huge blessing because if they hadn't done it then, Kendon may not have had a room to come home to.

Nov 3rd we finally got my brother married..after a lot of work planning and making it all happen. 

Then we took the boys on their very first deer camp experience. 

We had a sweet little doe come right up to us and let the boys pet it! Made the whole trip worth it!

My mom had a trip by Ambulance to the ER while we were gone as well. She's now doing well and we think they have everything figured out there.  After we got home, I had a check up and was already dilating and was told to "take it easy" and to try to stay pregnant at least 9 more days. ( I would be 37 weeks at that point and considered full term.) 9 more days would also be my Dad's birthday so that would be a great birthday present...

The boys and I spent the next week cleaning everything and trying to get our Christmas stuff put up while they were out of school.  We then went to Thanksgiving Dinner and then late night bargain hunting on that Thurs. with all the other crazy people waiting out in the cold for a good deal.  Friday morning we went back out..me being wheeled around by my mom so as to not "overdue" it!

Well, my contractions started in Hobby Lobby and weren't going away so I had to have my mom drive me to L&D Triage to be evaluated before I drove all the way back home.  I was at a 3 1/2 and they wanted to check me again in an hour so I walked the halls till then and at the next exam I was at a 4 1/2 so they kept me another hour and if I had gone further then, they would admit me and we would be having a baby!  They did admit me and I labored for 7 1/2 hours total before i got my epidural then I stalled somewhat at a 6-7 until they broke my water around 11:30.  Kendon was born at 12:56am.
 He had to be admitted to the NICU for breathing issues (which we expected, due to his being premature.) and long story short..15 days and a lot of stress/exhaustion later, he came home!

During his stay, we had to have my Dad take Mason and his friends to his birthday party at Splash Country because I had to stay in the hospital with the baby.  He had a blast and we are so thankful to my parents for helping with the boys while we went though all of this!  We are now settling in and getting those last few presents bought and wrapped and waiting on Christmas to get here.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

This will be short and sweet but hey, at least I actually found time to post! This is the very first pumpkin carving we have ever attempted and I think it actually turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. : ) We have 2 more to do tomorrow but this one is Too Cute To Spook! He is named Thumper, in memory of our black kitten that is now in kitty heaven.  We had planned all 3 today but Mason has been running a temp of 102+ and we had a trip to Urgent Care instead today..along with a 3 hour long wait : ( 

Things have been flying by and we are down to about 2 months left before the baby arrives and we are trying to cram all we can into that time.  We still have a nursery floor to finish and some painting then we will be move in ready.  So I guess that's about it for now. Will try to post the next 2 pumpkins soon!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

It has been a busy few weeks and very important ones at that! My oldest son accepted Christ as his Savior on July 29th and was baptized today! I am one proud mama!

We have also been busy helping my brother move..he has gotten engaged! I am so happy to have a sister in law soon!  The boys will also be getting a new cousin.

Things are going good on the baby front and the boys have finally gotten to feel him move.

School started last week and the boys have done great so far..and it is the first time in 7 1/2 years that I have an empty house! I am enjoying the quiet even if it will only be a few months till the baby is here and the noise and chaos returns! LOL

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Here are a few pics of the card classes I have been doing these last few months.  They are all from Allison Davis sketches.

I will add the pic from this month soon..it is at the store for display. In the meantime we have made it through baseball season..

We also found out that we are having a 3rd boy!! The boys were bummed, they wanted a sister. (And I have to admit me too a little) But I have still been pretty sick and had to have IV fluids and now Physical Therapy on my neck and back ( old injury) so I am still moving pretty slow but can say that as of this last week or so I have been able to eat normally again! WHoo hoo!! I still take meds to help that but it is getting better.  The last ultrasound we had looked good and so we are super happy that things seem to be going well on the baby front.

We did have a sad week last week when we lost our kitten whom we all loved..it was attacked and we tried all we could to nurse him back but he was just to little and lost to much to make it.  So it was rather emotional for all of us- especially this hormone overloaded mama! I still find myself thinking of him and the tears start all over! I hate to see how much worse it will get by December!  RIP THUMPER

We spent the weekend at Silver Dollar City in Branson and had a tintype pic done of us. The boys turned out so cute! We also took a ride on the Ducks.  Mason got to drive it so I will have to post pics from that soon.  Thanks for stopping in and I Hope your summer is going great!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh My Goodness, it has been forever since I sat down to "post" something!  I had been getting ready for a retreat in April and figured I'd post pics of what I had made when I got back...Well I started to get ill on my retreat and found out that I was about 5 weeks pregnant! Obviously that throws a curve ball right through my plans. Actually, we had been trying to get pregnant for the last 3 years and had sort of given up.  I have been having some other health issues and decided maybe it was best to give up the idea of having any more children.  God had different plans and obviously a sense of humor.  My due date is December 19th. Which is the day after my youngest son, Mason's birthday. That was 1 month we were kind of trying to avoid in our "planning."  So, I have been very ill as with both of my previous pregnancies and I am barely keeping up with normal daily tasks.  I am still teaching a card class at SG each month and that is about all I get done in the scrap world so to speak. I am ashamed to say that I have not made a 12 x 12 page since December when I left the DT for SketchSupport.  I did make a few altered albums at the retreat, but have to finish them up..I am kind of waiting to see what we will be having so I know if I can make them into baby albums.  I hope there are actually still a few of you checking back every once in awhile and I am truly sorry there haven't been any recent posts or anything very inspiring to speak of. If I can, I may try to post pics of my recent card classes until I get some scrapping done.  Right now I am working on a SG kit that is super cute! I think that is about it for now and will TRY to post again this month at least!

Monday, March 19, 2012

BoBunny Birthday Calendar

This is the BoBunny Birthday calendar I made for a friend of mine.  I used the 6x6 Gabrielle paper pack other embellishments and some of my own and handmade objects. She LOVED it and I can't wait to make another.
You may notice little rhinestones on the calendar spot each month, there is 1 marking each of our girlfriends birthdays from our group.  Oh and the fact that lost somewhere in translation, are the months July and September! They were there and now they aren't and of course I already deleted these pics because they were already downloaded, so sorry they are just MIA!!

Picture for  JULY is missing?

 September is missing too!

April Card Party Class

It is almost time for Aprils Card Party class held at Scrapbook Generation.  This class offers you 3 cards and 3 tags from 3 different teachers! Below is my card and tag and you can go here to see 1 of the other card/tag combos and check back @ SG's site a little later for the 3rd sneak peek of the final card/tag.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's once again time for Scrapbook Generation Card Party Class    

Below is my card for the class and be sure to click on the link above for the other designers cards/tags and to find sign up info!

I have been doing a major purge and conquer in my scraproom that seems to be taking the only free day I have open every week. Not to mention a few migraines and numerous Dr. appts. sprinkled throughout for good measure..Urgghh : (  But I will get there eventually, my sweet family gave me a paid Crazy Cropper Retreat for Christmas and I have a whole 5 days coming to go "play" in April. I am really excited but anxious to get through all my stuff before then so I haven't done hardly any scrapping sorry to say.  The card class has been a great break for me to allow myself some time for creating and I had a great time the first class and I am sure the following months will be the same! I will keep in touch and I have a few pictures of a 6 x 6 desk calendar I made for a gift that I HAVE got to post here! So be looking for that as well.  Thanks for stopping by and see you again soon!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Well, well, so I am not exactly blogger of the year lately! I have been a little under the weather but have still been busy! I am going to be teaching with 2 other teachers in a 3 part card, tag class at Scrapbook Generation in Spfld,Mo. You can find out more about it and find the sign up info here!

Since I have been working on that I thought I would post a few older pics I ran across today..they are quite funny! You will have to ignore the date on the pics..this camera is stuck there: ) It is Halloween of course! We had Captain Jack, his pirate lady friend, a hippie, YoGabba Gabba, Ricky Bobby, Joe Dirt, and many more not pictured. As well as a live band and bonfire..it was a fun night!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hopefully there are a few of you that are still checking in here! I have been busy busy lately..starting this new workout everyday thing (well almost everyday!)and finally getting back to normal after the craziness of the Birthdays and holidays. I hope your new year has been great so far! Mine has been pretty good, it started off with a little party, lots of yummy food and of course JUST DANCE 3!! Theses guys were very entertaining...

On to scrap stuff..I have been asked to teach a card class at our local scrapbook store, Scrapbook Generation which should be fun.  It's a 3 part class with 3 different teachers, cards and tags..I will be working with Katrina Hunt again one night a month.  We were teammates on Sketch Support so that will be good to be able to be involved again, just not on such a crazy schedule.  I finished a Christmas layout that I will try to photo soon and get it up! I am also doing a photo a day for the year and may add some of those here, but some may seem odd to other people since they don't know the story behind each one, so I may not..haven't decided yet.  I am off to cook and eat dinner to take in in some calories then to my ZUMBA class to burn them off!